Ada World Magazine - Issue 2

  • Details
  • Description
Published by:
Daniel Ramirez
Standard / 8.25" x 10.75"
56 pages Perfect-bound
adacore, best, cortex, DC Motor Control, first, FRC, gnat, gprbuild, GPS, Maxstream, Raspberry Pi 3, RPI3, vex, VRC, XBEE-Pro

The featured article describes how you can build a DIY High-Performance DC Motor Controller that is programmed in Ada. This controller connects to a laptop or PC using one of its USB ports. A Microchip dsPIC30F4011 micro-controller is used to issue PWM motor commands. In addition, it can read a quadrature optical encoder attached to the motor shaft or gear box output shaft to determine its speed and direction.

The second article, "VEX Robotics With Ada" discusses using Ada as a robot programming language and it also covers features of the Ada language that can be used for developing robotics applications using the popular VEX Construction System and also demonstrates how you can use Ada to control VEX based robots using a XBEE Pro Wireless board.

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Ada World Magazine - Issue 2