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Lope Navo (lopenavo)

Rick Day, Greg Reynolds, Joseph Lally, Walter Jenkel, Stewart Shining to the award-winning filmmaker Ohm Phanphiroj... the 'x' symbolize a 'team-up' of two known photographers. A powerful, yet rare underground magazine of men, made by men, for men. MAN-X have worked with some of the most legendary names in todays male photography in the Western Hemisphere. Some theory suggests that the letter itself resembles two people kissing with the symbols, two arrows meeting in the middle creating the symbol X. MAN-X don't only have the most exciting 80-page editorials, it is almost a book, but it also have the most refreshing interviews of photographers by another photographer, in the tradition of the now defunct "Interview" founded in late 1969 by artist Andy Warhol and British journalist John Wilcock, features interviews and work of creative thinkers, a magazine nicknamed "The Crystal Ball of Pop."

At the age of 26 Lope Navo have interviewed fashion photographers Mert Alas, Max Vadukul, Mariano Vivanco, Greg Gorman to Bruce Weber for his blog that was syndicated worldwide. An HIV/AIDS and Gay Hate Crime survivor, this 5ft 8 brown immigrant is quite a fighter. An epitome of stout consistency and inner strength, Editor-in-chief Lope Navo is known for his seductive images from mainstream L’Officiel Hommes, Men’s Health, Playgirl, Advocate Magazine to Esquire and publishing giants such Bruno Gmünder, Assouline to Rizzoli and many underground magazines. After decades of immortalizing masculine young men on hardcover books, and glossies, Lope Navo curates his own magazine, MAN-X.


Collection: MAN X Magazine

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  • MAN X Magazine: MAN-X (LOPE NAVO)

    MAN Magazine is back with a vengeance, adding the letter ‘x’ to solidify its ‘team-up’ with some more heavy weights in the world of photography. This…

    Standard / 8.25" x 10.75"
    Print: $60.00 Digital: $24.00

    MAN Magazine is back with a vengeance, adding the letter ‘x’ to solidify its ‘team-up’ with some more heavy weights in the world of photography. This…

    Standard / 8.25" x 10.75"
    Print: $60.00 Digital: $24.00

    MAN Magazine is back with a vengeance, adding the letter ‘x’ to solidify its ‘team-up’ with some more heavy weights in the world of photography. This…

    Standard / 8.25" x 10.75"
    Print: $60.00 Digital: $24.00

    MAN Magazine is back with a vengeance, adding the letter ‘x’ to solidify its ‘team-up’ with some more heavy weights in the world of photography. This…

    Standard / 8.25" x 10.75"
    Print: $60.00 Digital: $24.00